Advice for those considering having a dental implant

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is an implant and what is it used for?

    A dental implant is a special screw-shaped artificial dental root usually made of titanium. It is capable of replacing missing teeth after located inside the jawbone. Implants are also used to fix removable dentures. Furthermore, it can have a very important role in orthodontics.
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  2. Does the human body tolerate the dental implant?

    Yes, it does. Implants made of highly pure titanium are accepted by the human body without trouble. No rejection reaction can occur.

  3. How permanent are the implants and the tooth replacements built on them?

    In an optimal situation, the life expectancy of the ossified implants is the same as your own teeth. Implants can last a lifetime in case of good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Tooth replacements built on implants might wear out after 5-15 years but can easily be replaced, rebuilt on the existing implants.

  4. Is implantation painful? Is general anesthesia necessary for the surgical intervention?

    Inserting of the artificial dental root can be carried out without any pain, due to numbness caused by local anesthesia. Therefore, risky general anesthesia is totally unnecessary. Wound pain, likely to be felt for half a day or so, can be minimized with some painkillers.

  5. How long does implantation take and when can the tooth replacement be built on it?

    In most cases, implant surgery usually lasts for 8 to 10 minutes. Replacements are made only after the total osseointegration of the implant, which takes about 3 months. During the healing period, a temporary tooth replacement can be worn.
    Now it is worth mentioning immediate-loaded implants. In my opinion, companies advertising "’Final restoration within five days after implant surgery" should be avoided. On the one hand, the physiological transformation and healing of the bone tissue is a fairly slow process – think about the healing and loadability of a fracture.
    Scientific statistics show that the loss of immediate loaded implants is more likely than of those that are loaded after complete healing. Success of the latter one is over 98%.
    On the other hand, success, aesthetic appearance and cleanability of the implant tooth replacements depend on a perfectly shaped and healed gum tissue. Evidently, it would be impossible to achieve these clear professional goals after only a few days of wound recovery.

  6. Are all the dental clinics competent in making dental implant tooth replacements?

    The answer is definitely NO. The design and completion of successful implant replacements require special equipment and expertise.

    About the expertise
    Implantology is one of the most beautiful and most complex fields of modern dentistry. Knowledge of periodontal diseases, conservative dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, and experience in oral surgery are highly necessary and required. Furthermore, orthodontic deviations can often influence the treatment plan. One can state without hesitation that general dentistry does not include implantology, operative dentistry, dental operative techniques or practice. That is the reason why it is highly recommended to find a dental surgery that employs an ORAL SURGEON as well who has the qualifications required to do implant surgery – certificate of head and neck, dental and jawbone oncology.

    About the equipment
    Planning an implant tooth replacement is impossible without proper X-ray examinations, for instance panoramic X-ray or computed tomography (CT).
    Obviously, it is an advantage if the dental practice has an X-ray scanner locally. For less radiation and better picture quality, the best choice is a digital panoramic one. Implant surgery should take place in a separate surgical room, so it can stand apart in time and space from consultations and other dental treatments.
    Firstly, implant tooth replacements need special equipments, insight and access. Secondly, strict sterilizing conditions of a highly busy dental surgery are not enough for carrying out an implant surgery. Implant tooth replacements have different types and systems and a special dental background is required to prepare them.

  7. How should a specialist be chosen?

    Besides considering the professional principles above, one is recommended to collect more information about the dental specialist by contacting former patients with experience or making an appointment for a dental check-up and inquiring about the prices, because an intensive advertising campaign can be misleading and does not always reflect the real professional expertise and knowledge.